Teta w Jeddo

Teta Zovinar and Jeddo Kivork

Kivork and Zovinar are both 66 years old and have been married since 1985. From Armenia, Kivork is a former taxi driver. Zovinar was born in Syria and was a seamstress. During the civil war of 1975-1990, Kivork was seriously injured in the stomach. He was able to work again afterwards, but had to undergo three major operations. In addition, his diabetes caused him to lose his sight. The couple was never able to have children. Zovinar has always been an unconditional supporter of her husband as he has gone through his health problems. Both of them very much appreciate the visits of Teta w Jeddo. Most recently, Kivork had to be hospitalized at the end of March 2022 because his body was filling up with water. We supported them through this ordeal by funding the care and visiting Kivork.

Number of people :


Type of aid:

Weekly food box

Donation per month:


TETA w JEDDO and tax exemption

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