Who are we?


Our story

On August 4, 2020, a double explosion of 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate occurred in the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Nearly 200 people died, more than 6,000 were injured, and more than 300,000 were left homeless.

In the months that followed, many Lebanese mobilized to participate in the immense solidarity effort to clean the streets and rebuild damaged neighborhoods. After a few weeks, a small group of volunteers from the OUM AL FADI association noticed that reconstruction was not enough for all the victims. In particular, many elderly people found themselves exposed to poverty, as there is no pension system in Lebanon. From this observation, the idea of providing them with food aid and supporting them with regular visits was born.

With the financial support of foreign donors wishing to help the Lebanese in this crisis, the TETA w JEDDO project ("Grandma & Grandpa" in Lebanese dialect) was launched by the OUM AL FADI Association to support the elderly. Over the months, TETA w JEDDO has expanded and has started to help more and more people with food, through visits and by financing one-off and concrete aid (works, etc.).

The purpose of TETA w JEDDO has gradually evolved. As the months went by, the urgency of the port explosion dissipated. But at the same time, the economic crisis in Lebanon worsened significantly (triple-digit inflation, devaluation of the national currency, Covid crisis, etc.). The association has therefore adapted and diversified its assistance to make it accessible to a wider audience, but one that is just as much in need.

Today, TETA w JEDDO takes care of elderly people and families in difficulty in several neighborhoods of Beirut. It provides assistance to many people with food (regular home deliveries of traditional hot meals, weekly or monthly food parcel deliveries depending on needs and level of autonomy). Since the end of 2021, TETA w JEDDO has also enabled people who can no longer afford to finance their medical treatments or medications. The association also participates in one-off projects such as home improvement projects, or the purchase of important everyday items (lamps, kitchen equipment, etc.).

Furthermore, true to its initial intuition, TETA w JEDDO continues to regularly organize home visits to maintain a strong link with the families it helps and to constantly adapt to their needs.

Our Philosophy

To visit

Our strength is our presence on the ground. Every week, volunteers visit families, spend time with them, note their needs and pray with them.


Every day, team members distribute hot meals to isolated people and food parcels to families in need.


We try to create a family environment around people who are isolated or in precarious situations, in order to provide them with emotional and psychological support.


We believe in the power of communication. We communicate with our beneficiaries about their concerns and with our donors about the critical situation in Lebanon and how we operate, with a concern for transparency.


One of our goals is to reintegrate people into working life. We want to make their situations sustainable and improve their living conditions, particularly through micro-projects.


Our presence on the ground allows us to best adapt the support provided to each household. We are attentive to each situation to be able to help everyone in the best possible way.

Our team




Project Manager


Visits Manager

and distribution


Head of communications department


Head of Medical Unit


Visit Assistant


Food Pole Assistant


The Boss, quite simply

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